第 7 章 回归


Angrist在Most Harmless Econometrics写到:

Now we too spend our days happily perusing regression output, in the manner of our teaches and advisers in college and graduate school.

作为一名经济学家或经济学的学生,我们不是在跑回归,就是在为回归做准备。你也许听了很多讲座,参加了不少暑期学校,花了几笔冤枉钱,(很可能还被我骗过钱),但你还是不会跑回归。大概率是你没有好好完成Wooldridge 的课后习题,或者没有搞清楚Angrist 那些写在脚注里面的看似显然的证明。



7.1 一般线性回归

7.1.1 基础模型


7.1.2 稳健性标准误

7.2 因果推断的反事实框架

7.2.1 定义因果关系


如果D是Y原因,那D与Y显著相关(相关系数显著地不为0),且D发生在Y之前。但这两个条件仅仅是必要而非充分条件。以海外科学家回国任教是否有利其科研生涯这个问题为例,D是回国与否的0-1变量,Y是科研产出(例如科技论文数量)。即使我们观察到D与Y之间显著正相关,我们依然无法断言回国有利于科学家的科研生涯。这是因为很可能选择回归任教的科学家本身就是那些科研潜力更强、更适应国内研究环境的科学家,因此他们本身就应该比留在国外的华人科学家发表更多的论文。 计量经济学中,有两个路径可以定义因果关系。一种是通过引入反事实项来定义因果关系(Angtist,参考文献),另一种则是控制通过其他其他因素不变定义回归中的因果关系(伍德里奇,参考文献)。本讲义中,我们将采用第一种路径,通过CEF的三个定理,其实这两种路径是等价的。

沿用前面的表示方法,我们假定实验D是一个0-1变量(读者不用担心这一简化失去一般性,Angrsit已经将其推广到了连续变量)。对于观测个体i而言,\(D_{i} = 1\) 表示其属于实验组,例如科学家i选择回国任教,\(D_{i} = 1\) 则表示其属于对照组。个体i的观测结果依赖于是否参与实验,用\(Y_{i}\)表示,则:

\[Y_{i} = \left\{\begin{aligned} Y_{1,i},\quad if \quad D_{i} = 1\\ Y_{0,i},\quad if \quad D_{i} = 0 \end{aligned} \right.\]


7.2.2 CEF三定理


7.2.3 交互项还是分组回归

7.3 匹配

7.3.1 原理

7.3.2 案例

7.4 工具变量

7.4.1 原理

7.4.2 案例

7.5 双重差分

7.5.1 原理

7.5.2 案例

7.6 断点回归

7.6.1 原理

7.6.2 案例

7.7 包含高维分类变量的回归




mod1 <- felm(y ~ x | factor(f) + factor(g),data)


data <- data %>% 
  mutate(f = factor(f),
         g = factor(g))
mod2 <- feglm(y ~ x | f + g,binomial(link = "logit"),data)


7.8 formula (公式)对象


7.8.1 公式的生成

使用~连接因变量y与自变量x便可定义一个简单的公式,y ~ x~相当于数学公式中的=。如果在R中使用class函数查看公式的类型,会返回”formula”。例如:

f <- y ~ x
## [1] "formula"

~右边可以有多个变量,变量之间通过 + 连接,例如y ~ x + z

7.8.2 生成公式的运算符


运算符 含义 例子
+ 连接多个变量,说明有多个自变量 y ~ x1 + x2
. 表示使用所有的变量 y ~ .
: 变量之间的交集 y ~ x1 : x2
* 变量以及它们之间的交互 y ~ x1 * x2
^ 变量及n个变量之间的交互 y ~ (x1 + x2)^2
| 在给定x2的条件下处理x1 y ~ x1
I() 按照括号中的表达式进行算术表达式的处理 y ~ x1 + I(x1^2)
log() 数学函数也可以用在formula中 log(y) ~ x1 + x2
factor() 将变量转换为因子 y ~ x1 + factor(x2)
- 表示排除某个变量 y ~ x1 - x2

其中比较常用的包括,:*|。特别地,公式中使用x1:x2来表示交互项,而x1*x2并不是表示x1与x2的交互项,而是表示x1 + x2 + x1:x2。如果我们非要使用*来表达交互含义,则需要使用I运算符将公式写为,I(x1*x2)|则被用于两阶段回归与高维数据回归中。


7.8.3 公式与字符串之间的转换


f_char <- "y ~ x + z"
f <- as.formula(f_char)
## [1] "formula"


## [1] "~"     "y"     "x + z"
## [1] "y ~ x + z"


indv <- paste0("x", 1:25)
f <- as.formula(paste("y ~ ", paste(indv, collapse= "+")))
## y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9 + x10 + x11 + 
##     x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 + x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 + 
##     x22 + x23 + x24 + x25

7.9 表达式expression

当我们在R代码中写下y <- x + 1 时,如果变量x没有被赋值,这一局代码会报错为object 'x' not found

y <- x + 1

这个时候,我们会希望有一种方式可以在不执行的情况下储存y <- x + 1这段代码本身。这样的功能可以给我们的代码设计带来极大的方便。实现这一功能的对象便是表达式。

狭义上说,表达式是R里的一类特殊的对象(向量),它被用于储存一个完整的可独立执行的R语言语句。广义上讲,R语言的底层就是有这样的表达式组成的,了解表达式在R语言的中的灵活应用属于R语言高级编程的内容,读者可以参考大神Hadley Wickham的Advanced R1作进一步了解。

7.10 表达式的生成与执行


x <- 3 
ex1 <- expression(y <- x + 1)


## [1] TRUE

7.11 表达式与字符串的转换


ex_char <- "y <- x * 1"
ex2 <- parse(text = ex_char)
## [1] TRUE


ex_char2 <- deparse(ex2)



7.12 使用stargazer输出表格


本节我们将介绍如何使用stargazer包输出回归结果表。stargazer2是政治经济学家 Marek Hlavac博士在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院攻读博士学位期间完成的包,已成为目前最流行的R包之一。stargazer可以将R的回归模型编码为html代码,LaTex代码或者是ASCII文本,将回归模型输出为可发表格式。除此之外,stargazer也可以输出描述性统计表,或者直接输出data.frame。通过下列代码安装与加载stargazer:


7.12.1 标准回归表

在学习使用stagazer之前,我们首先来看下正式发表论文的标准回归表。下表源自Giroud在The Quarterly Journal of Economics发表的论文Proximity and Investment: Evidence from Plant-Level Data3,我们可以发现,从上至下,标准回归表可以分为五个部分:第一部分包括因变量名、模型名以及模型编号;第二部分是自变量名与回归结果,包括回归系数、标准误差与显著性;第三部分是未汇报系数的变量;第三四部分是模型的统计指标;第五部分是注释。其中,第二部分是回归表的核心,而其他部分的重要性往往被初学者忽视。我们在回归表中标注了每一部分调整对应的stagazer中的参数,接下来我们将详细介绍各参数的使用方法。

7.12.2 默认格式

我们使用Wooldridge(2012)4 收录的JTRAIN数据集(详情见第十四章习题C3),该数据集源自Holzer等人(1993)5的劳动经济学论文,研究了工作培训津贴对于公司为雇员提供培训的作用。我们使用jtrain数据集拟合回归模型。


##  [1] "year"     "fcode"    "employ"   "sales"    "avgsal"   "scrap"   
##  [7] "rework"   "tothrs"   "union"    "grant"    "d89"      "d88"     
## [13] "totrain"  "hrsemp"   "lscrap"   "lemploy"  "lsales"   "lrework" 
## [19] "lhrsemp"  "lscrap_1" "grant_1"  "clscrap"  "cgrant"   "clemploy"
## [25] "clsales"  "lavgsal"  "clavgsal" "cgrant_1" "chrsemp"  "clhrsemp"
mod1 <- lm(hrsemp ~ grant + grant_1 + lemploy, data = jtrain)
mod2 <- lm(hrsemp ~ grant + grant_1 + lemploy + union, data = jtrain)
mod3 <- lm(hrsemp ~ grant + grant_1 + lemploy + union + factor(fcode), data = jtrain)
mod4 <- lm(hrsemp ~ grant + grant_1 + lemploy + union + factor(fcode) + factor(year), data = jtrain)
mod5 <- glm(grant~lemploy + union, data = jtrain,family = binomial(link = "logit"))
# 在数据分析过程中,我们可以使用summary函数查看回归模型的结果
## Call:
## lm(formula = hrsemp ~ grant + grant_1 + lemploy, data = jtrain)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -43.240 -11.641  -5.498   2.823 136.183 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  26.3527     4.0395   6.524 2.15e-10 ***
## grant        33.3370     3.1937  10.438  < 2e-16 ***
## grant_1       0.7895     4.0059   0.197    0.844    
## lemploy      -4.6289     1.0806  -4.283 2.33e-05 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 22.39 on 386 degrees of freedom
##   (81 observations deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.2473, Adjusted R-squared:  0.2415 
## F-statistic: 42.28 on 3 and 386 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod5, type = "html")
Dependent variable:
hrsemp grant
OLS logistic
(1) (2) (3)
grant 33.337*** 33.545***
(3.194) (3.170)
grant_1 0.790 1.229
(4.006) (3.979)
lemploy -4.629*** -3.892*** 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (0.134)
union -7.734*** 0.213
(2.925) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01


# 在数据分析结束后,使用stargazer输出回归结果
stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod5, type = "html",style = "qje")
hrsemp grant
OLS logistic
(1) (2) (3)
grant 33.337*** 33.545***
(3.194) (3.170)
grant_1 0.790 1.229
(4.006) (3.979)
lemploy -4.629*** -3.892*** 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (0.134)
union -7.734*** 0.213
(2.925) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (0.494)
N 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385)
Notes: ***Significant at the 1 percent level.
**Significant at the 5 percent level.
*Significant at the 10 percent level.


# 在数据分析结束后,使用stargazer输出回归结果
stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod5, type = "html",style = "qje",out="reg_results.html")

7.12.3 表格表头


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod5, type = "html",
          title = "Table1: The empirical results",
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grants"))
Table1: The empirical results
Dependent variable:
Training hours Training grants
OLS logistic
(1) (2) (3)
grant 33.337*** 33.545***
(3.194) (3.170)
grant_1 0.790 1.229
(4.006) (3.979)
lemploy -4.629*** -3.892*** 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (0.134)
union -7.734*** 0.213
(2.925) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod5, type = "html",
          title = "Table1: The empirical results",
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          column.labels = c("Basic", "With union", "Selection"))
Table1: The empirical results
Dependent variable:
Training hours Training grant
OLS logistic
Basic With union Selection
(1) (2) (3)
grant 33.337*** 33.545***
(3.194) (3.170)
grant_1 0.790 1.229
(4.006) (3.979)
lemploy -4.629*** -3.892*** 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (0.134)
union -7.734*** 0.213
(2.925) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod5, type = "html",
          title = "Table1: The empirical results",
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          column.labels = c("Basic", "Selection"),
          column.separate = c(2, 1))
Table1: The empirical results
Dependent variable:
Training hours Training grant
OLS logistic
Basic Selection
(1) (2) (3)
grant 33.337*** 33.545***
(3.194) (3.170)
grant_1 0.790 1.229
(4.006) (3.979)
lemploy -4.629*** -3.892*** 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (0.134)
union -7.734*** 0.213
(2.925) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod5, type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          dep.var.labels.include = FALSE,
          model.numbers = FALSE,
          model.names = FALSE)
grant 33.337*** 33.545***
(3.194) (3.170)
grant_1 0.790 1.229
(4.006) (3.979)
lemploy -4.629*** -3.892*** 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (0.134)
union -7.734*** 0.213
(2.925) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

7.12.4 表格正文


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"))
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
grant_1 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
lemploy -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253 0.686 0.691
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385) 14.400 (df = 252) 14.283 (df = 250)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385) 7.212*** (df = 137; 252) 7.269*** (df = 139; 250)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before","log(Employment)","Labor Union"))
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253 0.686 0.691
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385) 14.400 (df = 252) 14.283 (df = 250)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385) 7.212*** (df = 137; 252) 7.269*** (df = 139; 250)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

为了突出我们关心的回归系数(coefficients of interest),我们可以使用order参数来调整自变量的排列顺序,注意此时变量标签也要做相应的调整,否则会导致结果出错。

stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2))
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253 0.686 0.691
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385) 14.400 (df = 252) 14.283 (df = 250)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385) 7.212*** (df = 137; 252) 7.269*** (df = 139; 250)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          digits = 2,
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.63*** -3.89*** 1.76 -.18 .09
(1.08) (1.11) (4.10) (4.29) (.13)
Labor Union -7.73*** -5.15 -5.06 .21
(2.93) (11.76) (11.66) (.33)
Traning Grant 33.34*** 33.55*** 35.96*** 34.23***
(3.19) (3.17) (2.51) (2.86)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before .79 1.23 5.66* .50
(4.01) (3.98) (3.30) (4.13)
Constant 26.35*** 25.18*** -2.26 5.94 -2.15***
(4.04) (4.03) (21.24) (21.70) (.49)
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 .25 .26 .80 .80
Adjusted R2 .24 .25 .69 .69
Log Likelihood -180.17
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.33
Residual Std. Error 22.39 (df = 386) 22.22 (df = 385) 14.40 (df = 252) 14.28 (df = 250)
F Statistic 42.28*** (df = 3; 386) 33.95*** (df = 4; 385) 7.21*** (df = 137; 252) 7.27*** (df = 139; 250)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

stargazer默认的显著性水平标记为p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01。有些时候我们需要调整显著性水平的标注标准,star.cutoffs参数可以实现这一调整。此外,star.char 参数可以修改显著性水平的标记。

stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          star.cutoffs = c(0.05,0.01,0.001),
          star.char = c("†","*", "**"))
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.629** -3.892** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734* -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337** 33.545** 35.962** 34.228**
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353** 25.181** -2.261 5.944 -2.155**
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253 0.686 0.691
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385) 14.400 (df = 252) 14.283 (df = 250)
F Statistic 42.280** (df = 3; 386) 33.949** (df = 4; 385) 7.212** (df = 137; 252) 7.269** (df = 139; 250)
Note: p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001

7.12.5 添加变量信息


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")))
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Adjusted R2 0.241 0.253 0.686 0.691
Log Likelihood -180.165
Akaike Inf. Crit. 366.331
Residual Std. Error 22.392 (df = 386) 22.220 (df = 385) 14.400 (df = 252) 14.283 (df = 250)
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385) 7.212*** (df = 137; 252) 7.269*** (df = 139; 250)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

7.12.6 选择统计量


代码 统计量
“all” all statistics
“adj.rsq” adjusted R-squared
“aic” Akaike Information Criterion
“bic” Bayesian Information Criterion
“chi2” chi-squared
“f” F statistic
“ll” log-likelihood
“logrank” score (logrank) test
“lr” likelihood ratio (LR) test
“max.rsq” maximum R-squared
“n” number of observations
“null.dev” null deviance
“Mills” Inverse Mills Ratio
“res.dev” residual deviance
“rho” rho
“rsq” R-squared
“scale” scale
“theta” theta
“ser” standard error of the regression (i.e., residual standard error)
“sigma2” sigma squared
“ubre” Un-Biased Risk Estimator
“wald” Wald test
stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")),
          keep.stat = c("n","ll","rsq","f"))
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Log Likelihood -180.165
F Statistic 42.280*** (df = 3; 386) 33.949*** (df = 4; 385) 7.212*** (df = 137; 252) 7.269*** (df = 139; 250)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

进一步,我们使用df = FALSE去掉自由度,这样的表格看上去就清爽多了。

stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")),
          keep.stat = c("n","ll","rsq","f"),
          df = FALSE)
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Log Likelihood -180.165
F Statistic 42.280*** 33.949*** 7.212*** 7.269***
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

7.12.7 表格注释

回归表格的注释在经济学论文中是非常重要的。经济学中往往要求表格本身是可以被独立阅读和理解的,因此经济学家往往会在表格的注释中添加大量的补充信息,例如模型的细节,表格正文中未汇报的变量,甚至一些变量的测度方式等。stargaze的notes参数可以用来添加注释,同时通过notes.append = FALSE/TRUE来设定是否覆盖模型默认的note,notes.align用来设置note的对齐方式,notes.label则用于设置note的标签名。

stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")),
          keep.stat = c("n","ll","rsq","f"),
          df = FALSE,
          notes = "* p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.label = "New note label")
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Log Likelihood -180.165
F Statistic 42.280*** 33.949*** 7.212*** 7.269***
New note label
  • p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

7.12.8 整体布局


stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")),
          keep.stat = c("n","ll","rsq","f"),
          df = FALSE,
          notes = "* p<0.1; ** p<0.05; ***p<0.01",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.label = "New note label",
          no.space = TRUE)
Training hours Training grant
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Log Likelihood -180.165
F Statistic 42.280*** 33.949*** 7.212*** 7.269***
New note label
  • p<0.1; ** p<0.05; ***p<0.01


代码 模块
“-” single horizontal line
“=” double horizontal line
“-!” mandatory single horizontal line
“=!” mandatory double horizontal line
“l” dependent variable caption
“d” dependent variable labels
“m” model label
“c” column labels
“#” model numbers
“b” object names
“t” coefficient table
“o” omitted coefficient indicators
“a” additional lines
“n” notes
“s” model statistics
stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")),
          keep.stat = c("n","ll","rsq","f"),
          df = FALSE,
          notes = "* p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.label = "New note label",
          no.space = TRUE,
          table.layout = "=d#c-ta-s-n")
Training hours Training grant
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Log Likelihood -180.165
F Statistic 42.280*** 33.949*** 7.212*** 7.269***
New note label
  • p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

stargazer同样支持LaTex和HTML语法,下表中我们使用HTML语法将回归表的log(Employment)加粗,同时让note label使用斜体。

stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("<b> log(Employment) </b> ","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")),
          keep.stat = c("n","ll","rsq","f"),
          df = FALSE,
          notes = "* p<0.1; ** p<0.05; ***p<0.01",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.label = "<em> New note label </em>",
          no.space = TRUE,
          table.layout = "=d#c-ta-s-n")
Training hours Training grant
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.081) (1.108) (4.102) (4.288) (0.134)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(2.925) (11.759) (11.664) (0.332)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(3.194) (3.170) (2.509) (2.858)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664* 0.504
(4.006) (3.979) (3.304) (4.127)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.039) (4.033) (21.238) (21.698) (0.494)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Log Likelihood -180.165
F Statistic 42.280*** 33.949*** 7.212*** 7.269***
New note label
  • p<0.1; ** p<0.05; ***p<0.01

7.12.9 其他


# Adjust standard errors
cov1 <- vcovHC(mod1, type = "HC1") # HC1保证与stata结果一致
rbs1 <- sqrt(diag(cov1))
cov2 <- vcovHC(mod2, type = "HC1")
rbs2 <- sqrt(diag(cov2))
cov3 <- vcovHC(mod3, type = "HC1")
rbs3 <- sqrt(diag(cov3))
cov4 <- vcovHC(mod4, type = "HC1")
rbs4 <- sqrt(diag(cov4))
cov5 <- vcovHC(mod5, type = "HC1")
rbs5 <- sqrt(diag(cov5))

stargazer(mod1, mod2, mod3,mod4,mod5, 
          type = "html",
          dep.var.caption = "",
          column.labels = c("Basic","With Union","Factory","F&Y","Selection"),
          dep.var.labels = c("Training hours","Training grant"),
          model.names = FALSE,
          omit = c("fcode","year"),
          covariate.labels = c("log(Employment)","Labor Union","Traning Grant", "Traning Grant 1 Year Before"),
          order = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
          add.lines = list(c("Factory FE", "No", "No","Yes","Yes","Yes"),
                           c("Year FE", "No", "No","No","Yes","Yes")),
          keep.stat = c("n","ll","rsq","f"),
          df = FALSE,
          notes = "* p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01",
          notes.append = FALSE,
          notes.align = "l",
          notes.label = "New note label",
          no.space = TRUE,
          table.layout = "=d#c-ta-s-n",
          se = list(rbs1, rbs2, rbs3, rbs4, rbs5))
Training hours Training grant
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Basic With Union Factory F&Y Selection
log(Employment) -4.629*** -3.892*** 1.755 -0.176 0.089
(1.147) (1.154) (4.060) (4.539) (0.140)
Labor Union -7.734*** -5.150 -5.060 0.213
(1.874) (3.300) (3.850) (0.339)
Traning Grant 33.337*** 33.545*** 35.962*** 34.228***
(4.801) (4.731) (3.193) (3.452)
Traning Grant 1 Year Before 0.790 1.229 5.664** 0.504
(3.391) (3.420) (2.756) (3.633)
Constant 26.353*** 25.181*** -2.261 5.944 -2.155***
(4.727) (4.699) (19.643) (21.530) (0.510)
Factory FE No No Yes Yes Yes
Year FE No No No Yes Yes
Observations 390 390 390 390 440
R2 0.247 0.261 0.797 0.802
Log Likelihood -180.165
F Statistic 42.280*** 33.949*** 7.212*** 7.269***
New note label
  • p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

7.12.10 描述性统计表


data <-  jtrain %>% select(hrsemp,grant,grant_1,lemploy,union,fcode ,year)
stargazer(data, type = "html")
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
hrsemp 390 14.968 25.711 0.000 163.917
grant 471 0.140 0.347 0 1
grant_1 471 0.076 0.266 0 1
lemploy 440 3.531 1.033 1.386 6.263
union 471 0.197 0.398 0 1
fcode 471 415,708.900 4,022.922 410,032 419,486
year 471 1,988.000 0.817 1,987 1,989


代码 统计量
“max” maximum
“mean” mean
“median” median
“min” minimum
“n” number of observations
“p25” 25th percentile
“p75” 75th percentile
“sd” standard deviation
stargazer(data, type = "html",
          summary.stat = c("n","mean","sd","min","max"),
          digits = 2)
Statistic N Mean St. Dev. Min Max
hrsemp 390 14.97 25.71 0.00 163.92
grant 471 0.14 0.35 0 1
grant_1 471 0.08 0.27 0 1
lemploy 440 3.53 1.03 1.39 6.26
union 471 0.20 0.40 0 1
fcode 471 415,708.90 4,022.92 410,032 419,486
year 471 1,988.00 0.82 1,987 1,989

当设定flip = TRUE时,可以转置描述性统计表的横轴与纵轴

stargazer(data, type = "html",
          summary.stat = c("n","mean","sd","min","max"),
          digits = 2,
          flip = TRUE)
Statistic hrsemp grant grant_1 lemploy union fcode year
N 390 471 471 440 471 471 471
Mean 14.97 0.14 0.08 3.53 0.20 415,708.90 1,988.00
St. Dev. 25.71 0.35 0.27 1.03 0.40 4,022.92 0.82
Min 0.00 0 0 1.39 0 410,032 1,987
Max 163.92 1 1 6.26 1 419,486 1,989

当设定summary = FALSE时,stargaze可以直接输出表格

stargazer(head(data), type = "html",
          summary = FALSE)
hrsemp grant grant_1 lemploy union fcode year
1 12 0 0 4.605 0 410,032 1,987
2 3.053 0 0 4.875 0 410,032 1,988
3 3.252 0 0 4.812 0 410,032 1,989
4 12 0 0 2.485 0 410,440 1,987
5 12 0 0 2.565 0 410,440 1,988
6 10 0 0 2.639 0 410,440 1,989

7.13 回归结果的可视化


7.13.1 使用ggcoefstats可视化回归结果


  x = stats::lm(
    formula = rating ~ genre,
    data = dplyr::filter(
      .data = ggstatsplot::movies_long,
      genre %in% c(
        "Action Comedy",
        "Action Drama",
        "Comedy Drama"
  conf.level = 0.99, # 置信区间水平设置为0.01
  sort = "ascending", # 展示顺序从系数从大到小排列
  ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_gray(), # 使用grey模板
  stats.label.color = c("#CC79A7", "darkgreen", "#0072B2", "black", "red"),
  title = "Movie ratings by their genre",
  subtitle = "Source: www.imdb.com"
) +
  # 修改y轴的刻度标签
  ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = c(
    "Action Comedy",
    "Action Drama",
    "Comedy Drama",
  )) +
  ggplot2::labs(y = "Genre compared to Action movies)") +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 14, face = "bold"))

7.13.2 使用

7.13.3 双重差分模型的可视化

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